Monday, November 9, 2009

On The Path For Success

On The Path For Success!

I have just decided to hop on the path of success. I am now focused on doing everything I possible can to make my life as successful as possible. I don't know what your idea of success is, or how you view being successful, but I'll tell you what successful means to me. To me, successful means, when I wake in the morning to when I go to sleep at night I feel that my day was not wasted. I maximized the best I could out of my day, everything I wanted to do, I did. Also I feel that being successful, my number worries will not be focused around money! Money will be the last thing on my mind.

As of writing this, I'm currently a college student and work about 20-30 hours a week. I definitely don't have a world class job, it's in retail. And for me it sucks! It sucks big time. Nothing more could ruin my day than knowing I have to go into work. Going there just puts me in a bad mood and I know the customers can see it in my face. The pay is lousy, I hardly have anytime for my girlfriend and friends, I just feel like since I'm working there life is passing me by and I'm not getting a chance to enjoy it. I'm stuck at working slaving, and everyone else is enjoying their time in college. I wish I could have the luxury of saying I live paycheck to paycheck, but I don't. Because my paychecks are next to nothing, I spend most of my check if not all of it paying back loans from friends, and/or credit cards, because I don't make enough to feed myself for a week and put gas in my car.

People are always telling me to find a better job, and I am looking. Actually starting as I write this because I am fed up with my current situation. It's just hard to find a job where I can work in the evening (sounds like an excuse to me). I work on commission and there are some people at my job who are making some type of decent amount of money, and what sucks is I know I am just as good as a salesman as they are or even better. So I decided while in the process of searching for another job I am going to not try, but ACTUALLY DO BETTER at work. I am going to make a effort to strive for the best I possible can at work and succeed.

Making Life Changes

The first thing I decided to do on my path of success was change. There was no way I could be successful if I didn't change the way I was thinking, acting, or living my life now. I had to make changes in my life that would help further me on my path for success and change was the first thing that came to my my mind. If you want to be successful, change you lifestyle to the way that will help you become successful.

I implemented this philosophy in my work place. All I can say is that working on last Saturday was probably one of the best days I have had in a long time. Not only was my attitude better at work, but I was selling more than anybody else. This made me feel amazing. I truly felt I had done an excellent job at work on Saturday. I didn't feel I had wasted my weekend.

I decided to do this with the rest of my life. I try to make the best out of each day and only focus on the positive. If you think positive and have a positive out look on life only positive things can happen. You won't sweat the negative things anymore and obsess about them, because doing that will only bring you down. Don't dig your own grave.

The next thing I decided to do was write down everything I wanted to get do and get done for the day. I felt that if I could finish everything on my list or most of the things on the list I would feel that my day wasn't wasted. I was corrected. I got a sense of well being and accomplishment every time I checked off a completed task on my list. I time I check something off I feel I am one step closer to reaching my goals.

Setting Targets and Goals

I am now setting targets and goals for myself. Not just any targets or goals, but targets and goals that will keep me and further me on my path for success. I recently started a clothing brand with a friend and it has been doing OK. We have made a good amount of sales, but not enough sales to the point where we can both be satisfied. So I have set some small goals I have for the business to try to get our products out there to the masses. I've been trying to do some word of mouth marketing on different forums and places where our target market would be at online. I am hoping by the end of they year we can sell off at least 50% of what products we have left.

Also I have set goals with my blog and how I can make it a better blog for everyone. I'm not trying to write a new post everyday, but to at least write one or two very insightful post a week that can help improve the lives of myself and others. I want to show people that you can go from nothing to something and to join the ride with me and lets become successful together.

Stay Positive

This is probably the main idea. You have to stay positive. Nothing worth anything comes over night. It takes hard work, it takes working smart. I know it's going to keep having a positive out look everyday, but understand that if you continue to work in the direction you wish you, sooner or later if you continue to work towards it you will get there.

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