Nothing last forever. All good things must come to an end. Breaking up is a part of life. Many of us have had to end relationships with love ones, and it's never easy. As much as I wish everything would have a perfect happy ending, life is not a fairytale. We've all have invested vast amounts of resources into our relationships, so we see them as investments. No one wants to give up on what seems to be a good thing. No one ever hopes for the worst, if you did, why waste your time to begin with?
Over the past few weeks I've been hearing stories of friends taking "breaks", finding out they have been cheated on, parting ways. All of this had me thinking about relationships. If my girlfriend broke up with me how would I take it? Honestly, I think I would take it pretty well. Don't get me wrong, I would be devastated and my heart would be broken, but this wouldn't be the first time. I know how it feels to get your heart broken. It's the worst feeling in the world, everything peopled told me was true. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't function the same way as before. I was never hungry, because the only thought on my mind was all the mistakes I thought I made and questions like; "What did I do wrong? How could I have prevented this? How could I get her back?" I couldn't sleep, because I was afraid she would call me late at night saying she missed me, she was sorry for everything that happened, and there was nobody else she wanted more than me and that she wanted me to take her back, and I didn't want to miss that call. I wasn't myself anymore and people noticed. There is nothing worst than telling someone you don't LOVE them anymore. After that experience I could understand why people do the crazy things they do after someone breaks up with them. A broken heart was probably the most worst feeling I ever felt.
Don't let it consume you. Don't let it control you. This is YOUR life and you play by your rules and the quicker you understand that, the better you will be. Don't allow someone else to have control over your life. Let it go, forgive them, stop holding on to the "what-ifs." The quicker you free yourself from the chains that have held you prisoner for so long. The quicker you can find someone who can mend that broken heart and put it back together in a way you never thought possible. There are too many people out there just waiting for the opportunity to weather the storm with you, to teach you how to spread your wings and fly. You would be surprised who and where you find LOVE in. It could be on the bus, in the grocery store, online, or maybe even right next to you in math class. LOVE is a great thing when you let it happen and don't try to fight it off. So LOVE every person as if it were your last. Give them your all in hopes that they will return the favor.
And if all else fails, just think of karma. It's a cycle, treat others bad, and others will treat you with the same respect. Also who knows, their lives could be miserable now after you, and you're living life to the fullest while they are stuck in a meaningless relationship void of all emotions
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