Remember how I posted I was going to start learning about the stock market and try my luck with it? Well I was talking to a friend and class and what he told me only confirmed my decision in deciding to go ahead and play with the stock market. He is taking a class about the stock market and everyone in the class has to buy and trade stock for a grade in the class (they use fake money). Well he told me he invested $100 in a company and by the end of the month had made $900 (to bad it was only fake money).
So now I'm all reading up on everything about the stock market, how it works, the many different ways you can invest your money and buy stocks. I found this website and it basically has everything you could possible want to know about the stock market. Mind you it is definitely a lengthy read, so I don't expect anyone to just sit there and read through the whole thing in one day. I doubt if it is even possible as there is sooooooo much information they give. I figured this is were my next step is. To read about and learn enough so I can feel comfortable about investing my my money in the stock market and not worry about losing it.
I don't know how long it's gonna take me to read through all of this, but like I said my main focus is to just get the gist of the stock market and to feel comfortable about investing with different companies. I do plan on reading it all and finishing it one day, but I'm eager to get started and don't want to let the flame die out, before I can get to invest.
So check out the website, tell me what you think and stay tuned for part 3!