Monday, September 14, 2009
How to Get Out of Debt!
Well its that time of the month again [Editor's Note: We were wondering why you were acting so cranky!], time to fork over that money to pay those credit card bills! I always hate doing it, because my bank accounts looks so pitiful afterwards and it depressing. Every time I finally get a little bit in the bank I have to give it away. So it got me thinking, how did I get so far in debt in the first place and why for the life of me can I not remember what I spent all that money on?
Now everyone says its easy to get out of debt, just stop using your credit cards, but come on! Its not that simple. If it were, then everyone should be out! So I was pondering "what did I swipe my credit cards on?" I could only remember of a couple of things and everything I thought of was a want, not a need. I didn't need to to purchase that item, but I wanted it! And that instant gratification that came with it right after buying it. But as quickly as the gratification came, the quicker it went away. Only leaving me with a large sum to pay back.
The experts a.k.a. my parents always say "Only charge what you can pay back!" In my younger days, I thought what's the point of that?! If I have enough for it right now, why not just use the money I have right now? I'm gonna swipe that plastic on something I can't afford and get what I couldn't get right NOW!!!! After a few short lived months, I realized that wasn't the best of ideas, because now I had to pay back all that money I had to borrow. So then I changed the way I thought to, well if I can pay it back by the end of the month I'll be alright, but my paycheck math was never correct and I always ended up forgetting to factor in spending money on food and gas. Also those credit card companies are tricky, they always throw you these small ass minimums, nice little security blanket for people. If I can just pay the minimum I'll be alright! But sadly that is what they want you to do, because if you keep using the cards while just paying the minimum you'll never be out of debt! So I have now come to the decision; I NO LONGER WANT TO BE IN DEBT!
That's why I thought up some steps to help get me and hopefully YOU out of debt!source
Step 1:Acknowledge that you have a problem. You can't fix the problem if you don't realize you have one. Once you have come to terms and realize that there is a problem you're one step closer to getting out of debt!
Step 2: STOP USING YOUR CREDIT CARDS! You can't build up more debt if you stop creating it! Just stop using them. Cut them up, burn them, destroy them, hide them! Does the expression "out of sight, out of mind." right a bell? If they are not there to see, then soon or later you will stop thinking about using them. Think of your credit cards as the shovels that are digging your grave. By using them frivolously, you're digging you're own grave.
Step 3: Make small cut backs. Now that you have stopped using your credit cards, you need to start using and spending your money more wisely and the first thing is to stop spending your money on items and services you don't really use or need. Cancel that membership to the gym you never go too, don't eat out as much, do you really need those manicures and pedicures, stop buying those $4 Half-Mocha Cappuccino Iced-Tea Lattes, wash your car yourself, buy store brands items, etc. Just cutting out these small things can help save hundreds, maybe even thousands a year!
Step 4: Start saving money. Open up a saving account and start putting atleast 10% of each check in there. It might not be much now, but a little adds up to a lot after awhile. And trust me, once its starts looking like a nice number, having all that money in the bank is a moral booster!
Step 5: Put all of your bills together. Putting all of your bills together in one area allows you to see how much you are in debt by. Having a solid number is always handy and knowing exactly how much you owe and how much you need to pay each month on each bill allows you to take better control of the situation.
Step 6: Have a plan on how much you plan to spend between paychecks. Now me personally, I try to spend as little as possible between paychecks. If I can spend $0, then I'm going to try to do that, but that's never realistic. So I always set aside a certain amount for food and gas. The basic two things I need to get by in the week to make sure I have more than enough to put towards my credit cards. Now for you set it up for your lifestyle, make sure you set enough for your monthly bills, groceries, gas, eating out, and other things you might need to get done during the week.
Step 7: Control your spending. After setting up your plan, you might find it hard to keep to at first, but do what I do. The things that need money first always get paid first. My savings account is always the first thing to get paid. Then I take a chunk out for my bills, then I just keep going down the ladder based on importance.
Step 8: Always pay your bills on time! There is nothing worst then having to pay late charges. So pay you bills on time or before they are due. If you follow this, then that's one less thing you have to worry about. Also not paying your bills on time has consequences; like raising your interest rates, lowering your credit score, making your bills even larger than before.
Step 9: Start a debt snowball. I'm sure you have heard of the snowball effect? Well apply that methodology to your debt. Now that you have started to gain control of your finances, see where you can finds some extra money, like $50 or $100. Now with this extra money you are going to use it to start helping pay off your debt. Order your bills from smallest to largest. Now with your smallest bill, pay the minimum plus that extra money you found and continue doing that until that bill is paid off. Then take that money you were using to pay off that bill and apply it to the next until that one is paid off and just keep going in that fashion until all of you debt is paid off.
Step 10: See where you can make larger cuts. Now that you have started with the snowball effect, see if you can find places where you can cut more money to add to your snowball. Sell your car for something smaller and more fuel efficient, find a smaller apartment/condo/house, pick up a roommate, or move back home with your parents.
Step 11: Find other sources of income. Nothing helps lower your debt faster then earning more money. Take a couple of minutes and brainstorm on different ways you can make more money. Ask for a raise, start a business, sell things on ebay, get another job, anything that can help bring in more money than before.
Step 12: Have fun and celebrate! As soon as you're out of debt celebrate! have fun (with in modesty)! You deserve it after working so hard to get out of debt and working towards getting out of debt! Try and find things you can do for free, make it a game, and win the game!
Dead End Jobs...
Of the people that know me, and know where I work, they know how much I HATE my job. Nothing ruins a day worst then know, having, and being at work. Retail has to be the work of the devil (or better, brings the devil out of people!) Not only do I feel like I'm going now where, I don't feel any satisfactions from my job. There is nothing worst then watching some of your coworkers who make you ask this question several times a day, "I know there aren't people this stupid?", only to have them confirm you skepticism, out sell you from time to time. Also the people who should get fired (have several complaints from not just associates, but customers also, stealing high priced items, and just have been nothing but drama from day one) most of the time never get fired, and the people who shouldn't make one mistake (like drinking a $1.50 bottle of water, without paying for it) get fired on the spot! The job just plain sucks and I always wonder why I stay like a dumb ass.
I'm sure there are many people out there that feel the same way I do and wonder why they stay even though they so badly want to leave. So I thought about it, I looked at it from different perspectives, and I used this wonderful invention called Google and I came up with the answer to my question, "Why do people stay in dead end jobs?"
I first looked at it in the perspective of the idiots I work with, and their mentality. I came to find out may of them don't feel that they are working a dead end job. Most of their life has been spent as a failure, many of them struggled through school only barely passing, been picked on by other people for being so simple. My job praises simpleness. The more simple you are the more they praise you, and it makes sense, why hire someone who is going to ask questions as to why they do this, when it's so much easier to do that. when Simple Jon will just do what ever you tell him no questions asked. Just feeding them false hope is better than what they had before; that hopeless failure mentality. The hollow promises fed to them is more than enough to keep them in line.
Also another from of ignorance is, believing there are no better jobs out there and thinking that everyone is in a dead end job. I don't know of anyone who thinks this way, but if you do, then I have news for you, there are plenty of better jobs out there!
I guess this also refers to the Simple Jons I work with as many of them are completely content with working where they work. They like that they have a routine. It makes them feel safe. I'm not going to lie, it is nice getting a paycheck every week (it just the amount on the paycheck sucks!) But many of these people fear venturing off into the unknown. Who knows what's out there, might as well play it safe.
Don't confuse apathy with contentedness. Apathetic workers are worker who stay in a dead end job because they don't care; there is no motivation to do anything better. These people don't feel any certain way towards there job, they are void of all emotion. A good example of these type of workers, are those people you feel are work zombies.
Even though Ignorance, Contentedness, and Apathy my play part in why people work in dead end jobs, the main reason is Fear. Fear can be manifested in all shapes and forms. You have fear of the unknown, the fear of being under qualified for the job you want, the fear of taking a risk, the fear of failure, the fear of being worst off then what you were originally, and that's only to name a few.
How does one escape a life of quiet despair? How does one learn to take risk, when we've been trained to enjoy the company of comfort and security? Knowledge, knowledge is key. The more you know the further you can direct your life and career in the way you wish it to go and the better suited you can be to obtaining your goal.
The is no need to feel hopeless, when everything you need can be so easily obtainable. Don't be afraid of walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Stop living in the dark and shine some light on your world. You'll be surprised how beautiful it is.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Highest paid Degrees
I was searching online to find out what were some of the highest paid degrees and surprisingly they were all engineering degrees! And when I mean high paid, I'm talking about fresh young college graduates earning over $50,000 a year starting! But then it had me wondering what about the worst degrees and degrees outside of engineering? I know people have to be making money with these degrees. It would seem like a waste if there weren't. So I went on a search to find the information I desperately needed to know an answer for! And this is what came up (look very closely at the list as many of these degrees are listed more than once):
Highest Paid Bachelor’s Degrees: 2009 (All engineering degrees!)
15. Civil Engineering - Average starting salary: $52,048
13. Construction Science/Management - Average starting salary: $53,199
12. Aerospace/Aeronautical/ Astronautical Engineering - Average starting salary: $56,311
11. Engineering Technology - Average starting salary: $56,447
10. Systems Engineering - Average starting salary: $57,438
9. Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering - Average starting salary: $58,358
8. Mechanical Engineering - Average starting salary: $58,766
7. Electrical/Electronics & Communications Engineering - Average starting salary: $60,125
6. Computer Science - Average starting salary: $61,407
5. Computer Engineering - Average starting salary: $61,738
4. Mining & Mineral Engineering (incl. Geological) - Average starting salary: $64,404
3. Chemical Engineering - Average starting salary: $64,902
2. Petroleum Engineering - Average starting salary: $83,121
1. Pharmacy - Average starting salary: $111,782
College Degrees in Most Demand: 2009
10. Marketing/Marketing Management - Average starting salary: $43,334
9. Management Information Systems - Average starting salary: $52,817
8. Computer Engineering - Average starting salary: $59,803
7. Information Sciences & Systems - Average starting salary: $49,167
6. Economics/Finance - Average starting salary: $49,794
5. Business Administration/Management - Average starting salary: $45,887
4. Computer Science - Average starting salary: $56,128
3. Electrical Engineering - Average starting salary: $57,404
2. Mechanical Engineering - Average starting salary: $58,648
1. Accounting - Average starting salary: $48,334
The 5 Most Marketable Degrees of 2009
5. Nursing
4. Computer/Information Science
3. Engineering
1. Education
The 5 Least Marketable Degrees of 2009
5. Print journalism
4. Advertising
3. Architecture
2. Real Estate
1. Film Studies
Now don't believe that these are the only degrees that make money. These are just some of the highest paid ones students have gotten right out of college. And who is to say that with your degree you will actually go in to that specified profession? Also think about the other opportunities after graduating, such as post graduate studies, such as getting you master's or becoming a doctor or lawyer(two careers that also make a lot of money). Then think that just because you might start high doesn't mean you'll always have a high paying career, just because you have a degree in Business you might start off with smaller pay than someone with an engineering degree, but can advance through your company and soon receive a salary much higher than many engineers will ever get. So my personal advice would be to think long term about what you want to do, and don't waste your time with degrees that will get you no where like calligraphy or David Beckham Studies!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Easier To Love Money?
I read an article on MSN about women who marry for money as opposed to Love, and if that was a good idea or not. I think Kanye summed it up best "I ain't calling you a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't mess with any BROKE niggas!" I'm not one to judge, so by all means, get your paper boo-boo. But don't think that marrying some man for his money is going to solve all your problems though. Who to say he'll be rich forever, you two will be together forever [editor's note: Or long enough to get your half a.k.a. ALL HIS SHIT! in the divorce], or that you will actually be happy? People say money doesn't buy happiness, well those people most be broke, because money can definitely purchase you some things that will put a smile on your face. But it's artificial happiness, not true happiness. Money can get you those cars, clothes, girls, money can get you a lot, but those things are like drugs they get you that high you were craving, but it never last that long. Then your right back where you didn't want to be. Also I think women marrying for money just puts women in a bad spot in general. Don't claim you're Ms. Independent, when the cash you're spending isn't yours. Don't come complaining about equality when you haven't done equal share of the work. It's more as if we made a transaction, or better yet I made a purchase. I bought you. So get your shit together, or just like a car I'll trade your ass in. Females like those are a dime a dozen. What one won't do, another one will. These statements show no respect for a woman, and how could I respect one when we're not even on the same level playing field? Now I know you could come back with arguments like, "Well we are the one's that have and take care of the kids!" And I tip my hat to any woman walking around for 9 months with a small life in their belly, but that's about it. You don't take care of the kids! You have Rosaletta or some other third world lady come or the all powerful moving picture box do the grunt work for you. Also I'm not going to compare something that cannot be measured in some form of monetary value. So that argument is like comparing apples to oranges. If I get married, it's going to be out of Love. Not only will I respect you as a woman, but I will respect you as a human being. Your opinion has value and I promise to do my best in doing my fair share. Now don't get me wrong, I don't plan us to go half on everything as I hope to make enough money to support my family and hopefully give them everything they desire, but I want my wife to know, I just don't think of her as a big butt and a smile, but as my best-friend, the Love of my life, my wife, and the beautiful mother of my children. But then again that's just me...
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